Tune Into The Nutrition Science Podcast
The Nutrition Science Podcast

The Nutrition Science Podcast

Hosted by: Dr. Adrian Chavez

Are you tired of nutrition misinformation? Listen to this show. In The Nutrition Science Podcast we debunk nutrition myths and help you to understand what the science says about nutrition and our health....


Understanding Forms of Evidence in Nutrition

Season #1 Episode #1

Welcome back to another episode of The Nutrition Science Podcast. In this episode we discuss the different forms of evdience in nutrition and how we can utilize each of these types of evidence to help us make...
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Nutrition is a Science, Not an Opinion

Season #1 Episode #1

Nearly everyone has an opinion on nutrition. Listening to everyone's opinion will leave you confused and overwhelmed. So how do we know what to listen to and who to trust? In this episode, I discuss the difference...
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