Make informed choices, optimize your body composition, and improve your overall health without sacrificing your favorite foods. 

Enroll by June 16th to get $75 OFF of LIFETIME ACCESS

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Imagine if..

  • You could break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting once and for all.
  • You no longer felt confused or uncertain about what to eat for long-term health.
  • You stopped wasting money on supplements, cleanses, and fad diets that don't deliver results.
  • You felt confident and empowered with a clear understanding of what to eat to reach your health and body composition goals.
  • You transformed your relationship with food and created a sustainable nutrition routine that works for you.

Let's debunk the myths that suggest you can only achieve your desired results by:

  • Constantly obsessing about food and adhering to restrictive diets. You can find balance and success without constantly monitoring every morsel you eat.
  • Sacrificing your favorite foods or feeling deprived. It's possible to enjoy the foods you love while still reaching your health and fitness goals.
  • Spending excessive time on food preparation or splurging on expensive specialty foods. Simplify your approach to nutrition and focus on nourishing your body with wholesome, accessible ingredients.
  • Devoting hours per day to grueling workouts at the gym. You don't need to exhaust yourself with excessive exercise to see progress. Effective, moderate workouts can yield significant results without taking over your life.

STOP constantly battling with rules and limitations

Focus on nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that support your health and vitality. Shift your mindset from deprivation to abundance, viewing food as a source of pleasure and sustenance rather than a source of stress. By tuning into your body's cues and making mindful choices, you can cultivate a positive relationship with food and pave the way for a sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle.

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I'm here to reveal that there's a different path.

Eating to nurture your health doesn't need to be daunting or complex. It can simply become ingrained in your daily life and habits.

Understand your body's workings and provide it with the essential nutrition it craves. Establish straightforward, sustainable habits tailored to your individual circumstances.

Hi, I am Dr. Adrian

When I was in my early 20s I got OBSESSED with nutrition which led me down a path of following lots of extreme diets, cutting out foods/food groups, and investing A LOT of time/energy into everything that I ate…

It was exhausting…

As I learned more and more about nutrition (I went on to get a PhD in the topic) I learned that a lot of what I was doing was a waste of time. 

I learned how to focus on what matters, and how to set up my nutrition in a way that was easy to follow with my busy schedule and got me even better results than before.

Now, I am in my late 30s and I following a simple and flexible nutrition plan that I enjoy and helps me get the results that I want with my body composition and health. 

Since graduating with my Ph.D., I have worked with hundreds of clients with various goals and health challenges.

I also publish a podcast that has almost half a million downloads, and have been hired as a lecturer and consultant to teach about nutrition to a wide variety of people.  

I know that empowering people with the right information, tools, and resources to build a sustainable nutrition plan can be life-changing.

 Which is why I created the Nutrition Mastery Blueprint...


I learned to shift my focus from:

  •  Following diets that I read/heard about
  • Cutting out foods because they had scary-sounding ingredients
  • Trying to detox and cleanse my body
  • Looking for the silver bullet supplement
  • Nit-picking everything that I ate
  • Being afraid of the food choices that would be available at social gatherings


And Instead Focus On:

  • Eating the right amount of energy for my needs 
  • Eating mostly minimally processed foods 
  • Getting the right amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates from the right sources
  • Including plenty of nutrient-dense foods with known health benefits
  • Including, but not overdoing, the “fun” foods 
  • Building an effective exercise (and recovery) routine 
  • Having a backup plan for holidays, weekends, vacations

These are the things that really made a difference over time.

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The Nutrition Mastery Blueprint

The Nutrition Mastery Blueprint gives you a clear-easy, actionable, NO-FLUFF system to help you make sustainable dietary changes that transform your health.

The moment you join you get instant access to all of the modules, guides, recipes, the private community, bi-monthly Q and As and any future updates that I make in the future.

I want in!

Let me show you what is inside.....

Module 1: How Much to Eat

This module equips you with comprehensive insights into energy balance, macronutrients, and calorie tracking, essential for achieving your health and fitness goals. Understand macronutrient significance, master calorie tracking, create personalized eating schedules, explore non-tracking approaches, and overcome progress stalls effectively.

Module 2: What to Eat

This module covers the essentials of a health-promoting dietary pattern, including key components, beneficial foods, and those to limit to reduce disease risk. Learn about common nutrient deficiencies and prevention strategies, as well as techniques for identifying personal food sensitivities.

Module 3: How to Put it Into Practice

This module emphasizes a habit-focused approach, aiding in effective planning, prepping, and navigating various situations like grocery shopping, weekends, holidays, and vacations. It also offers guidance on communication strategies when discussing dietary choices with friends and family.

Resources and Guides

Access sample meal plans customized to different energy requirements and plug-and-play recipes categorized by calorie levels. Additionally, receive a comprehensive guide to grocery shopping and learn how to calculate your energy and macronutrient needs effectively. Set your goals with confidence using the goal setting and vision guide, and master meal planning and prep techniques through Meal Planning and Meal Prep 101. Kickstart your fitness journey with beginner home and gym workout sample programs.

You will also get access to the B
onus Module.... 

Building an Effective and Sustainable Exercise Routine

This module highlights exercise as the cornerstone of healthy aging, covering the fundamentals of effective resistance training and the importance of cardio. Learn how to incorporate an active lifestyle into your daily routine and build a simple yet sustainable exercise plan that you can adhere to consistently.

Life Time Access to the Community + Bi Weekly Live Calls

Access to an online community to ask questions about the content and get access to live monthly calls with Dr. Adrian Chavez

One-Time Payment


Lifetime Access

🎥 Video Lessons 

🎧 Audio Lessons 

📖 Worksheets/Cheat Sheets 

💻 Access to an online community to ask questions about the content and get access to live monthly calls.

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3 Payments of


Lifetime Access

🎥 Video Lessons 

🎧 Audio Lessons 

📖 Worksheets/Cheat Sheets 

💻 Access to an online community to ask questions about the content and get access to live monthly calls.

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Lifetime Access

🎥 Video Lessons 

🎧 Audio Lessons 

📖 Worksheets/Cheat Sheets 

💻 Access to an online community to ask questions about the content and get access to live monthly calls.

Enroll Now - ENDS JUNE

If you enroll today, in just a few short months from now you you can have: 

  • Better nutrition habits that you feel good about
  • An exercise plan that gets you RESULTS
  • Simple frameworks for incorporating these things into a busy life 
  • The knowledge to continue to improve your health for years to come

 And most of all a healthier body that you feel more comfortable in.

How does that sound?

Count me in!

After this course, you'll know how to

Determine the appropriate amount of calories and protein you need to eat to sustain your energy and attain a healthy body composition.

Recognize the significance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and fiber, and construct a balanced diet tailored to your requirements.

Ensure you meet your micronutrient needs and incorporate foods that promote long-term health.

Balance your nutrition strategies by prioritizing health, convenience, and enjoyment.

Identify nutritious foods to incorporate into your diet and those to limit or avoid.

Determine whether you have food sensitivities and learn how to manage them effectively.

Maintain healthy nutrition habits while traveling, on vacation, and dining out.

Overcome plateaus and adapt your approach as necessary.

Make healthy and cost-effective choices when shopping at the grocery store.

Plan and prepare your nutrition in advance to save time and enhance your chances of success.

Most importantly, enjoy your food, YES including those snacks.

FAQs and Contact

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who has felt confused about what to eat and overwhelmed with all of the information
  • People trying to lose weight/improve their body composition in a sustainable way
  • People who want to reduce their risk of chronic disease with nutrition and lifestyle habits
  • People who enjoy learning and value the power of knowledge 

This course may not be the best for 

  • People who would benefit more direct accountability
  • People who are currently experiencing an eating disorder
  • People with health conditions that may require a more specialized nutritional approach
  • People who are unwilling to go through the materials and apply it.